Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baker's | Rating 90

lcohol Content:
about $40
From the Jim Beam family, their number 2 in the line, 2nd to
. Great flavor, the oak aging is very noticeable when it hits your lips. The alcohol content is obvious when taken straight up. With a splash of water the flavors are easier to distinguish. If you are a straight up flask drinker used to a typical 80 proof don't waster your money, but if you want to try something between Maker's/Knob and
, don't hesitate to give it a try.
Recommended with some bottled water. My only negative is when I went to pull out my cork, it broke and I was not able to drive 60 miles back to the store where I bought it. Luckily the bottle was not compromised, as the bottom half of the cork maintained a good seal.
--Dr. JS


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