Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Phillips Union | Rating 40

It states on the bottle that its a blend of Canadian whiskey and Kentucky bourbon.  That's the biggest load of fickle matter I've ever heard.  They should have labeled it a woman's whiskey that captures the perfect blend of Malibu rum and (insert a flavored vodka here).  It was like I was drinking a white Russian all night long.  Needless to say I was very disappointed in it.  It does however go very well with coke as it has a very vanilla/hazelnut taste to it.  It goes down very smooth.  A good selection if you are wanting to break-in the old lady on the art of whiskey drinking, but never would I be caught dead with a bottle of this in my hands around  the boys.  Not a huge dent in the pocket book as it only cost $18.  Like I  said its a woman's whiskey.  I like women and whiskey all the same but never  at the same time, only one after the other.  Preferably the whiskey then the  woman because then you would be getting lucky at the end of the night, but  I'm sure we've all been there where a fifth of whiskey was needed to remove any memory of the woman that came before the bottle or had a figure that looked like the bottle. 

: I give Phillips Union whiskey a 40 on a scale of  100.  Its in that  category of "Only drink it if its free or if it will get 
you laid, anytime else is just not worth it."


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